Prepared by the Colorado COVID-19 Modeling Group
Colorado School of Public Health: Andrea Buchwald, Elizabeth Carlton, Debashis Ghosh, Irina Kasarskis, Jonathan Samet, Emily Wu; University of Colorado School of Medicine: Kathryn Colborn; University of Colorado-Boulder Department of Applied Mathematics: Sabina Altus, David Bortz; Colorado State University: Jude Bayham

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Effective reproductive number (Re) reflects hospitalization data through 10/11/2021. In regions with smaller populations, reported cases are also used to generate these estimates. The prevalence of infections and percent of the population infected is estimated for 10/04/2021. Due to lags between infection and hospitalization, estimates of transmission control and the effective reproductive number represent the spread of infections through approximately 09/28/2021.

The West Central Partnership LPHA region includes Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Mineral, Montrose, Ouray and San Miguel counties.

West Central Partnership Region
Are infections increasing or decreasing?
How many people are infectious?
Re Infections are… Prevalence per 100,000 People infectious Percent of Population Estimated Immune
0.8 Decreasing 692 1 in 144 48.7
Table 1. Due to lags between infection and hospitalization, the estimated effective reproductive number (Re) reflects the spread of infections approximately two weeks prior to the data of the last observed hospitalization.

West Central Partnership Region
County Daily Average Number of Cases in the past 7 days per 100,000 population
Delta 59.7
Gunnison 23.7
Hinsdale 17.2
Mineral 91.1
Montrose 58.1
Ouray 46.8
San Miguel 23.4

Table 2. Case counts are from the NY Times and reflect cases reported to CDPHE from 10/05/2021 - 10/11/2021. Cases are grouped based on the date they are reported. Population data are 2020 estimates from the Colorado Demography Office. These estimates may not represent the full number of COVID-19 cases diagnosed in Colorado during this time period.